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- INFO-HAMS Digest Sun, 10 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 100
- Today's Topics:
- Follow-up on Encomm
- Free Vacuum Forever!
- rec.scanners
- RS Discone? To buy or not to buy?
- Satellite tracking program for UNIX
- scratching.
- Tennelec Scanner - need schematic/manual
- tuner problems
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 09 Dec 89 14:43:21 PST
- Subject:
- I have been reading the pros/cons of modifing radios to transmit out-of-band
- (especially on 2-meters and there about)... I have a Kenwood TH-215A hand-
- held and know that is is modifible to extend the transmit band range. (MARS
- /CAP.) My question is: How is this done? Does one buy extra guts and solder
- them in, or is it a secret code to enter on the keypad? If anyone knows, please
- let me know here or via direct mail.
- Thanks in advance.
- Kevin Savetz / KC6GWQ
- +----------------------------------------+ DISCLAIMER: I assume no
- : KEVIN M. SAVETZ - KC6GWQ : responsibility for any messages
- : Bitnet: kevin@calstate.bitnet : that I post, expressed or
- : Internet: gpr001f@ccs.calstate.edu : implied. Opinions expressed
- : FishNet: salmon@smoked.poached.fried : by me are not necessarily
- +----------------------------------------+ my own.
- "Hey, if you're not gonna eat that parsley, pass it my way."
- ------------------------------
- Date: 7 Dec 89 13:34:54 GMT
- From: shlump.nac.dec.com!ryn.esg.dec.com!pstjtt.enet.dec.com!taber@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: ARRL
- Message-ID: <608@ryn.esg.dec.com>
- In article <24896@ubvax.UB.Com>, hardwick@ubvax.UB.Com (Bob Hardwick) writes...
- >
- >
- >I got the following off of a packet BBS the other day
- >and thought the net might like to comment.
- >
- >[mindless threats by a disturbed individual regarding radio mods]
- >
- >If this is what the ARRL is doing with our dues money then
- >the ARRL has just lost a member.
- The following is from the December 1989 "Moved and Seconded" section of
- QST:
- "9.1 The Executive Committee reviewed a report prepared by the Field
- Services Manager documenting the actions of a Section Manager which had
- resulted in numerous complaints from members. On motion of Mr.
- Mendelson, the President was directed to write to the Section Manager
- advising him that the expressing of personal opinions in the guise of
- official ARRL communications cannot be tollerated, in part because such
- conduct might jepordize the agreement between ARRL and FCC estabilshing
- the Amateur Auxiliary; and that a repetition of this conduct will be
- grounds for immediate removal from office."
- Wadda you think? Sound like it might be connected?
- By the way -- the league is its members. It does what its membership
- wants. Every person who leaves the league because they disagree with
- some group (code .vs. no-code, radio-mod idiots, etc.) is actively
- supporting the other side. The way to change things is to stay and
- fight. Changes are made by do-ers, not whiners.
- >>>==>PStJTT
- Patrick St. Joseph Teahan Taber
- Mail address: ahhhhh, you don't want to send me mail....
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Dec 89 03:35:34 GMT
- From: att!tsdiag!ka2qhd!w2up@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Barry Kutner W2UP)
- Subject: Follow-up on Encomm
- Message-ID: <59@ka2qhd.UUCP>
- Several weeks ago a posted a note about Encomm (now Tom Gentry Enterprises)
- and the non-response to my calls about a KDK xcvr I sent for repair. Well,
- after about 8 weeks, the radio finally did return, and was repaired. One part
- was replaced. Deifinitely an 8 week job! 73 de Barry, W2UP
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Dec 89 01:28:20 GMT
- From: usc!cs.utexas.edu!asuvax!stjhmc!f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org!Jim.Grubs@ucsd.edu (Jim Grubs)
- Subject: Free Vacuum Forever!
- Message-ID: <9299.2581B37A@stjhmc.fidonet.org>
- > From: rps@dtseng.UUCP (Robert P. Scott)
- >
- > In article <8589.256A1EC3@stjhmc.fidonet.org>,
- > Jim.Grubs@f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org (Jim Grubs) writes:
- > > You're snoops and I'm a fuddy duddy for not approving your bad manners.
- > Chage "fuddy duddy for" to "fascist" and "bad manners" to "freedom" and
- > this
- > will be a more accurate description.
- >
- > If I wanted to read the type of fidonet excretion posted to this news
- > group of
- > late I could do so by dialing any number of local bulletin boards. Is it
- > really necessary to waste network bandwith transmitting such drivel?
- I said what I wanted to say and let it go at that. It's others who are still
- harping on it. Maybe they read slowly, I dunno.
- Frhliche Weihnacten und Glckliches Neujahr!
- Holiday Greetings from Jim Grubs, W8GRT
- --
- Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!234!1!Jim.Grubs
- Internet: Jim.Grubs@f1.n234.z1.fidonet.org
- ------------------------------
- Date: 7 Dec 89 13:03:51 GMT
- From: shlump.nac.dec.com!ryn.esg.dec.com!pstjtt.enet.dec.com!taber@decwrl.dec.com
- Subject: rec.scanners
- Message-ID: <606@ryn.esg.dec.com>
- In article <37046@apple.Apple.COM>, chuq@Apple.COM (Chuq Von Rospach) writes...
- >MROWEN@STLAWU.BITNET (Mike Owen W9IP) writes:
- >
- >If the ham radio folks don't want you scanner folks, then come on over to
- >rec.radio.shortwave. You're welcome to join us until you decide you want
- >your own group. (This is, in fact, one reason why rec.radio.shortwave
- >was created was to get away from just this attitude (I know it's just a few
- >hams, but it certainly doesn't make me want to learn code any time soon...)
- There's an implication that hams for some reason can't be or aren't
- swl's or scanner fans. I'm sure we both know this isn't true. The
- rec.radio.shortwave group has only just started up so it will take a
- while for all the receive-only people to find it and start using it to
- try and get away from the armchair lawyers and Yellow-bellied Bandwidth
- Wasters. I'm sure the latter will feel compelled to follow just to keep
- everyone else in line.
- I don't really care where the postings happen, I read both groups, but
- now that a receive-only group exists, it would be more elegant to post
- swl/scanner information there.
- As for learning the code and getting a license... it's something you do
- for yourself. You can't try and devolve the responsibility onto others.
- If you ever make the effort, I'd be glad to chat it up with you on the
- bands.
- >>>==>PStJTT (swl, scanner fan and N1GGR/AA)
- Patrick St. Joseph Teahan Taber
- Mail address: nahhhhh, you don't want to send me mail....
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Dec 89 03:08:45 GMT
- From: swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!natinst!rpp386!puzzle!khijol!erc@ucsd.edu (Edwin R. Carp)
- Subject: RS Discone? To buy or not to buy?
- Message-ID: <444@khijol.UUCP>
- I've used homemade discones for years - they work great, are really easy to
- make (a piece of coax, a broom handle (!), and some wire screening - total
- cost under $5 - and you've got yourself a pretty neat antenna!
- ------------------------------
- Date: 11 Dec 89 03:38:08 GMT
- From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!ctrsol!IDA.ORG!roskos@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Eric Roskos)
- Subject: Satellite tracking program for UNIX
- Message-ID: <1989Dec11.033808.15070@IDA.ORG>
- elmquist@NIPS.SSESCO.COM writes:
- >I have something called ORBIT23.C which came from SIMTEL-20..but
- >this piece does not calculate pointing angle (sometimes known
- >as squint angle) and appears to flake out when the AZ calculation
- >crosses from 2 digits to 3 (ie, from 99 to 100 degrees) or visa-versa
- >I haven't fully researched this phenomenon...but it left me wondering
- >about the accuracy of the calculations. Someone must be tracking
- >birds on a UNIX box... let's find out who-- Chris N0JCF
- I track weather satellites daily using a modified version of orbit23
- which reads the NASA prediction bulletins which TS Kelso (used to?)
- posts on rec.ham-radio. It works very well for me, although I only use
- it to calculate the general direction of the satellite, when it will be
- over the horizon, and the doppler shift (necessary to get a uniform grey
- scale in the infrared pictures). Since I use a dipole antenna I don't
- have to point it that precisely, so I don't use the azimuth and
- elevation produced by the program except to be sure there won't be a
- wall or post in the way of the antenna when positioning it. The
- satellite subpoint calculations are, however, correct, since I use those
- to identify things on the image when the outline of the continent is not
- visible. When the outline is visible, it matches what the program
- calculates. I've never noted any problems with the program in using
- it for nearly a year.
- It runs on a Sun 3/60.
- --
- Eric Roskos (roskos@CS.IDA.ORG or Roskos@DOCKMASTER.NCSC.MIL)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 9 Dec 89 13:28 EST
- Subject: scratching.
- I'm waiting for my novice ticket at the moment, and I'm excited about
- finally getting into ham radio. An old friend of mine told me that if I really
- want to get to know the hobby, one of the best ways was by building my own
- rig... which sounds like both a lot of fun, and possibly a bit cheaper. Can
- anyone suggest books to me that would help me out? I have a college education,
- so assume I'm on the "fairly intelligent, but not TOO technical" level
- :-)....Also, does anyone know of any other companies that make ham rigs from
- kits ( besides Heathkit/Zenith ) ? I've got a Heathkit catalog, but I'd like
- to look into making a rig that can do SSB as well as CW. All they've got in kit
- form is a QRP CW rig.... In anycase... any suggestions would be helpful. Please
- send 'em to me personally or to the net...I will be glad to summarize responses
- to save netwidth.
- 73 de I'm still waiting for the durn thing!
- R. Todd Perry
- (as everyone breaths a sigh of relief after reading a message directly related
- to ham radio...... ;-) )
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 89 03:59:26 GMT
- From: csusac!mmsac!ribs!earlj@ucdavis.ucdavis.edu (Jim Lips Earl)
- Subject: Tennelec Scanner - need schematic/manual
- Message-ID: <232@ribs.UUCP>
- I've inherited a Tennelec Model MS-2 Scanner. I've got the instruction manual
- along with the frequency codes, but no schematic. The unit doesn't receive.
- You can program it, and you get noise when you turn the squelch down, but
- it doesn't seem to be receiving any RF. This is one of those early suckers
- that you program with two front-panel buttons labeled '0' and '1'. For
- example, for 453.900, you'd enter: 0001 0010 0010 0000. It used to work,
- but it appears that someone has tweaked some of the caps/coils on the PCB.
- Anyone out there have a schematic for this monster? The company that made
- the unit appears to be out of business. They are:
- 1965 Pioneer Road
- Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
- Directory assistance has no such listing.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 Dec 89 20:57:59 GMT
- From: unisoft!washer@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Jim Washer)
- Subject: tuner problems
- Message-ID: <2696@unisoft.UUCP>
- I am very new to ham radio so if I say something stupid, please
- forgive me.
- I have an old kenwood 599 ( twins ) reciever/transimitter pair.
- the xmit is hooked up to an mfj versa-tuner II (model 941d).
- The only antenna I have at this time is a 15m dipole (van gorden kit
- with an hq 1:1 balun).
- Now come the questions.
- 1) The antenna/balun kit says DO NOT USE A TUNER. Why is this?
- Is it because you shouldn't have to, or because something evil
- will happen if you do?
- 2) When I tune for low swr, I notice that the rf meter drops quite
- a bit. Is this normal? What does it means?
- 3) The rf meter on the rig usally reads about 160. the forward
- on the tuner reads about 80. the reflected read 30.
- Where did the rest go? Is the likely just a case of meter
- mis-calibration, or does the meter on the rig actually show something
- other than true output from the rig??
- Information concerning the above and/or anything that a novice should
- know about using tuners in general would be greatly appreciated.
- Thanks in advance. E-mail preferred ( I'll repost summaries)
- jim washer kc6gni
- (415) 420-6410 x137
- washer@unisoft.com uunet!unisoft!washer
- #include <disclaimer.h>
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1001
- ***************************************